Thursday, May 17, 2012

Vegetarians Benefit Socitey - Pro


Can you imagine a world where no one ate animals for food? Many people live in this world right now. They are vegetarians. There are many advantages to becoming a vegetarian. Let's look at how vegetarians help the lives of three types of people: farmers, doctors, and everyday consumers.
How do vegetarians benefit farmers?

For farmers, more vegetarians in the world would be a benefit. Many types of fruits and vegetables that vegetarians desire are more expensive than meats. If there were more vegetarians, farmers could grow more of these types of crops. They would then be able to earn much more money. It also takes a great deal of time, energy, and money to raise and breed animals. Farmers must feed the animals daily and make sure they are always in good health. Farmers who grow only fruits and vegetables need not worry about the welfare of living animals.

Vegetarians are also a help to doctors. A doctor's duty is to keep people healthy and free from disease. In this sense, vegetarians make a doctor's life much easier. Vegetarians consume far less cholesterol and fat. This means that doctors will see fewer patients who are obese or have heart problems. Obesity is one of the beigest causes of poor health in people. Also, people who eat only fruits and vegetables have a lower risk for many types of cancer. Doctors will need to worry less about the health of these patients.

Finally, how does becoming a vegetarian affect everyday consumers? Becoming a vegetarian aids them greatly. First, it will improve costumers'' overall health. Abstaining from eating meat will keep them in better shape by reducing the intake of animal fat. There is also less chance of catching dangerous diseases that are caused germs and viruses in animal meat. Also, vegetarians help to reduce animal suffering. Farm animals live in miserable conditions and then are killed just to be eaten. Vegetarians can be proud to know that they have saved the lives of many helpless animals.

Besides the health benefits of being a vegetarian, there are many other great reasons. As you have read, becoming a vegetarian helps not only consumers, but also the people whose lives they touch.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

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