Thursday, May 17, 2012

Children should Have Curfews - Pro

What would the world be like without rules? At first, you may imagine it might be a wonderful place, with no one to pester you about work or chores. However, eventually, you would most likely realize that the world would quickly become a dangerous place. The world simply could not run without basic rules. For children, one important rule is to be home by a certain time at night.  A reasonable curfew helps children grow into responsible adults while keeping them out of harm's way.

One important benefit of a curfew is that it keeps children from falling into dangerous situations with strangers. Most crimes and accidents occur at that time because there are less people out at night. Children who are out alone at night are more likely to fall victim to these types of people. Even though it means that they may miss out on some fun events, they are kept safe. But strangers are not the only danger to children at night. Because they lack wisdom about the real world, children may do foolish things for fun or excitement. Perhaps their friends might urge them to walk into a dark alley or building. These kinds of risky situations can be avoided if children are forced to come home early.

The setting of a curfew also creates an important rule for children to abide by. It helps them to learn to follow rules. Being part of society means that everyone must follow basic rules, such as obeying street signs and listening to authority figures. Abiding by a curfew, even if it may seem unfair to children, helps them accept and follow the rules in life.

Perhaps most importantly, a curfew is a necessary part of the structure of a child's life. It helps them to become more successful people. By being home early, they are able to spend more time with their family, keep up with their school work, and generally form good life habits that will help them in the long run as they mature.

Rules are neither easy nor enjoyable to follow. Some rules, such as curfews, however, help children by giving them guidance and protection. Curfews are a beneficial rule for children to follow. 


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay.

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