Thursday, May 17, 2012

Advertising is a benefit to the public 1



What is the worst part of watching a television show? If you said 'commercials,' you are not alone. Everyone hates having to sit through the endless commercials that interrupt our favorite programs. However, advertising, like commercials, is necessary for businesses and the media. For both businesses and media, advertising has good and bad points.

Let us first consider how advertising affects businesses. Businesses benefit from advertising because it gives companies a great tool to tell the world about their product. Many businesses provide valuable products and services people need for their daily lives. Even your local restaurant advertises through flyers and newspaper ads. Without advertising, companies would quickly go out of business. Thanks to advertising, however, even small shops can quickly and easily find customers who are interested in their products.

However, this benefit has a price. Advertising costs businesses a great deal of money. For some large companies, advertising is their biggest expense. Month after month, they must create new advertisements to keep the public's interest. Because businesses must spend so much money on advertising, they must charge more for their products. This hurts not only the business, but customers as well. Some small companies cannot even afford to advertise and must shut their doors.

Now, let us look at how media, such as television shows, is affected by advertising. On one hand, advertising is great for media because that is how they earn a profit. Television shows, newspapers, even many Internet sites make money solely through advertising. They would quickly go bankrupt without it. On the other hand, advertising also has many drawbacks for media. Media companies are too reliant on money from advertising. Take television shows, for example. If a show is not popular, businesses will not pay to advertise on the show. No matter how entertaining the show is, if there is no advertising, it will soon go off the air.

Advertising is an unavoidable part of our world today. It helps businesses to sell products. It helps media give us our favorite shows, songs, and news articles. In the end, for both business and media, advertising is a trade-off between good and bad.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

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