Thursday, May 17, 2012

Greatest 20th Century Inventions 2

Lexile: 850L

In 1969, Neil Armstrong rode on a rocket to become the first person to step on the moon. This was not due to the invention of the rocket. It was thanks to computer-based technology. The latter half of the 20th century has produced more technologically brilliant inventions than in all of history combined. Here are just three of the revolutionary high-tech inventions from the past half century that have reshaped our world.

A list of great inventions must always start with the modern computer. Advances in computers take place at a breathtaking rate. The first computer, ENIAC, was built in 1946 and weighed 30 tons. Today, a pocket calculator is more powerful. Computers have become an essential part of our lives. They are the brains in all of our modern devices – automobiles, the airplane, even our microwave ovens. The world could not revolve today without the help of computers.

Computers have played a large role in creation of our second invention – the mobile phone. On mobile phones, we can communicate, play games, and even do our shopping. However, that is not why they are so revolutionary. Mobile phones give us the unprecedented ability to move and travel, yet still be connected to other people. Like the automobile, mobile phones have given us the freedom to go and be anywhere. We are no longer bound by where we are on the planet.

The last, great invention is not technically even a machine. It is the Internet. It has given us the ability to discover and interact with information, people, and ideas in ways never possible before. The Internet is truly a window to the world. While media of the past such as radio and television let us see and hear the world, the Internet allows us to reach out, grab, and change it.

These three inventions are amazing displays of technology. However, these inventions are the greatest in the 20th century because they improve our lives. They have opened the doors to our future. 


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

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