Thursday, May 17, 2012

Animal Testing Con - Lexile 990

Lexile 990

A person who is used to test something that is new and dangerous is often termed a “guinea pig.”  This is because animals such as guinea pigs are commonly used to test the effectiveness of drugs and medicines, often harming or killing them. This practice is called animal testing. As you will read, animal testing is an archaic, ineffective, and cruel practice that must be stopped immediately.

First, the practice of animal testing must be stopped because it is cruel and unethical. Animals are tortured as they receive unknown and experimental drugs. They are stuffed into cramped cages and are purposefully injected with toxic substances. Some animals are even killed after their testing to examine their bodies after their death. An important part of being human is to show kindness to other living animals on earth. Subjecting animals to such torture is an act that humans should not condone. As humans, we must protect, not harm, life on the planet.

Second, with modern technology, animal testing is no longer necessary. Modern advances in technology have obviated the need for the use of animals. Scientists have mapped all of the genes in the human body. They can now model diseases using computer simulations. Living beings, such as mice and rabbits, should not be put through pain and suffering. Computers can produce the desired results just as well.

The final reason animal testing should cease is that it is simply not effective. The basic biology of animals is not identical with that of humans. Because of this, medicines and treatments may have different effects on animals. One very simple example is that chocolate is poisonous to dogs, but is perfectly safe for humans. In many instances, experimental vaccines have cured cancer in test mice. However, they have shown to be completely ineffective or have unforeseen side effects in people. Time and time again, animal testing has proven to be an ineffective use of time and resources.

Animal testing has been shown to be a needless, cruel, and, ineffective. There are better ways to find new medicines. For the sake of both animals and humans, we must realize that animal testing is wrong and harmful to both animals and humans.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 


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