Thursday, June 7, 2012

Advertising is harmful to society

Advertising is everywhere in our modern world. Wherever you care to look, you can find advertisements for an unimaginable variety of products. Ads play on the Internet and television, they show up in newspapers and magazines, and they decorate our cities as billboards and signs. Advertising has become so prevalent, in fact, that many people now feel it needs to be regulated. These people worry about the false messages and materialistic tone of many advertisement. Another serious concern is the negative influence that advertising has on children.

Advertisements can give false messages to people. The main purpose of advertisements is to persuade people to buy things, so they are often misleading. They are often untruthful and promise things that are unrealistic or cannot happen. Many times, people will see an advertisement and think that using the advertised product will make them feel better. Unfortunately, this is usually not the case, and many people end up wasting money because of the false messages conveyed by advertisements.

Advertisements can also be very harmful to society. They make people want things that they don’t necessarily need, so people may become more materialistic. This can make people selfish, and advertisements can make them feel bad or inferior for not owning a product. As a result, people waste vast amounts of money for material things that they don’t really need. Advertisements make people forget about important values and they create a materialistic society in which people constantly focus on superficial things.

Advertisements also have a very bad influence on children. Young children do not know that an advertisement’s purpose is to sell. So, they see advertisements and are easily convinced that they want what was advertised. This is because advertisements make their products look exciting and desirable, or they make it seem like having or using a certain product will make a person more interesting and popular. Therefore, advertisements for cigarettes, alcohol, and unhealthy foods are obviously not good for children. When children see advertisements for these items, they will want to try them. In fact, several European countries have banned advertisements that target children, and many countries have placed restrictions on cigarette and alcohol advertising.

Advertisements have become a big part of our lives, especially because of television and the Internet. Because they are so common in our lives, they can easily influence the way people think and how they spend their money. Therefore, we should be careful of what we advertise and make sure that all advertisements are strictly regulated.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Celebrities are positive role models - Pro

In all societies, the renowned and influential people become role models for the younger generation. Today, our role models have become the people featured on television and the Internet - athletes, actors and actresses, and singers. However, which role models have the most positive impact? In many ways, actors and actresses, and singers are the most positive role models in our society today.

Actors and actresses possess many admirable qualities that make them excellent role models. First, to become a successful actor or actress requires dedication. Most actors and actresses start out as unknowns. They often spend years working with little or no pay to pursue their dreams. Actors show perseverance in never giving up even when faced with failure. They must also suffer through the highs and lows of the acting world. People can become stars overnight, then fall into obscurity. This quality of dedication is admirable quality in role models.

In addition, actors and actresses must work to develop their talent. Even the most beautiful or handsome person cannot become a good actor or actress overnight. Actors and actresses must spend years fine-tuning their acting skills to express a range of emotions honestly and accurately. In the end, they become talented individuals through this intensive effort. Good role models are those that continually improve their abilities. Actors and actresses fall into this category.

Now let's look at singers. Singers also make positive role models because they show the same qualities as actors and actresses. On top of those qualities, however, they are positive role models because they express themselves in an artistic way in front of real people. It takes courage to perform in front of a crowd. By bravely wearing their hearts on their sleeves, they give the world the gift of their beautiful voices. While actors and actresses rarely perform live, singers must connect with a real audience. This bravery makes them excellent role models.

Actors and actresses, and singers are usually noted for their persona and ability to entertain. But they also possess the inner drive and ability to succeed. By using their gifts and working tirelessly, they are a positive force and make excellent role models for everyone.

Celebrities are positive role models - Con

Millions upon millions of people watch sporting events. For these millions of fans, their favorite athletes become people to admire and respect. There is good reason for this. To be an elite athlete takes immense dedication and commitment. Athletes have many great traits that make them positive role models.

First, athletes show physical and mental excellence. Physically, they must always be in top physical condition. Athletes must always eat the most healthy, nutritional foods to make sure they are in good health. This is a positive example to follow. Not only must athletes be in good physical shape, they must be mentally sharp and focused. Athletes must concentrate on the single task of being the best in their sport. They must use their time efficiently and wisely.

Second, athletes value teamwork and sportsmanship. Unlike actors, singers, and other entertainers, most athletes must work together to achieve their goal. The ability to work flawlessly with teammates is a great quality for all people, including students and office workers. Athletes also show good sportsmanship. They do not brag when they are victorious. When they lose, they graciously congratulate their opponents. This sportsmanship and humility is a great quality of role models.

Finally, athletes must fight through adversity. Athletes must constantly face and overcome failures. There are few champions and many losers in any sport. Athletes must learn to handle defeat in a positive way. If they compete and fail, they must quickly recover and continue to practice and improve. This means waking up at dawn daily and training relentlessly no matter what. Perseverance is a great quality for any role model to have.

In today's culture, there are many types of people we may consider to be role models. Not all of them are. In order to be positive role models, they must show the qualities of excellence and achievement. Athletes possess these very qualities. They are very positive role models for everyone who follows and admires them.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Students should not follow fashion trends - Con

Fashion and style in clothing has always been an important aspect in the way people present themselves to the world. For better or worse, the fashion choices people make reflect on their individual personality, and even character. For students, education is the top priority. Education includes learning about the ins and outs of fashion. The earlier they learn to follow the trends in fashion, the better. Students should be influenced by fashion.

Students would be well served to follow the influences of the fashion around them. In order for students to succeed in the real world, they must be knowledgeable not only in academic fields, but also trends and styles that shape society. Many criticize fashion as being a negative influence on students. However, the truth is that learning about fashion at an early age will help students adapt and fit into the realities of an increasingly appearance-based society.

For parents, the influences of fashion on students would be a positive force. For most parents, a main concern is that their children fit in socially with their peers. Fitting into social circles is an essential skill for students as they transition into adulthood. Lacking this social skill sets students up for failure in life. By following the influences of fashion, students can avoid falling behind socially. Parents would be reassured that their children were learning about all aspects of life. 

The influence of fashion on students would be of great benefit for companies as well. The main reason, of course, is that clothing companies could target students in their fashion lines. Companies could bring in more revenue as students bought more clothing. With students more educated in fashion, companies could create clothing styles that better matched the age of students. Companies could listen to the feedback of students and tailor more age appropriate clothing for them. 

For students, school is a time for education. Education includes not only learning academic material, but also learning the real-world skills needed to succeed in life. An important lesson for all students is to choose fashion wisely. For students, following fashion helps in their education as adults.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

Students should not follow fashion trends - Pro

Fashion has always been for the young generation. This has been true as long as people have been wearing clothing. Whether for style, image, or reputation, people desire to wear clothing and accessories that leave an impression on others. There has been a disturbing trend, though, of fashion pervading the lives of students. This is not a positive trend. Students should not be influenced by fashion. It is not healthy for students, nor is it helpful for parents and companies.

For students, following fashion trends is simply not a productive use of their time. Students today have enough work and responsibilities without having to worry about staying up-to-date with the latest fashion trends. Fashion should not be a priority for students who should be more focused on academic achievement. Following fashion trends is an enormous waste of time and energy that could be much better utilized. Also, following fashion trends stifles the independence and creativity of students. Students should be encouraged to be critical and independent thinkers and not blindly follow popular trends and fads.

If students are influenced by fashion, parents will be affected as well. First, there is the cost on the family of students following these trends. Children will reject perfectly fine clothes because they are out-of-date or unpopular, causing parents to spend more and more of their hard earned money on clothing. Then there is the stress parents must endure to always make sure that their sons and daughters are keeping up with the latest fashion. Children will whine and beg to wear the newest clothing, or risk being ostracized. What parent wants their children to be mocked and teased at school? So they are forced to splurge on expensive clothes. It is better if children were not influenced by fashion at all.

From the perspective of companies, it may seem like a positive for students to follow fashion closely. More interest from more buyers will bring more sales of clothing. However, there are dangers for clothing companies in terms of selling to children and students. Younger children following the fashions pushed marketed by companies is not always desirable. There is a real risk of public backlash against the marketing of inappropriate fashion styles to children. A company's reputable brand could be tarnished by the perception of exploiting children for profit. If this were to happen, companies could easily lose sales, as well as the trust of the consumers.

Although fashion has always been an important part of culture and society, there is an appropriate place and age group for fashion. Fashion trends should remain in the realm of adults. For students, following fashion trends does little to improve their lives. It is not helpful for parents or companies either. Students should not be influenced by fashion.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lotteries Should End - Con

The use of lotteries by governments to infuse funds into the national coffers has always produced great debate. Opponents of the lottery believe that lotteries contribute to societal problems. On the contrary, lotteries have added a positive effect in many areas. They improve the lives of people, provide money for non-profit organizations, and help the government operate.

Proceeds from lotteries are a big contributor to the inflow of revenues to the governments. All governments need money to operate. This money is traditionally collected through imposing taxes on the public. Lotteries provide a useful way to bring in this much needed money without imposing burdensome taxes on everyone. Lotteries are essentially a free and fair way for the government to collect the revenues it needs to operate and improve the country.

Lotteries have also been a boon to non-profit organizations. These non-profit organizations need a steady inflow of money in order to carry out their missions. One valuable source of this money is the revenue generated from the lottery. Non-profit organizations are able to use these funds to better serve and help local communities and society as a whole. These types of organizations have always been pressed to find ways to procure operating funds, usually relying on kind-hearted donations from people sympathetic to their mission. Often, these contributions were insufficient. Thanks to lotteries, the government is able to give portion of lottery money to non-profit organizations.

For the public, lotteries have given hope to the lives of ordinary working people. The lottery does not just improve the lives of the winners. It gives hope to everyone that, with some spare change, they may be able to instantly change their lives. It is not true that addiction is a problem regarding the lottery. For the vast majority of people, they understand that lotteries are a form of entertainment. Plus, there is the real chance of winning a fortune. Consider those average people whose fortunes have changed overnight by winning the jackpot in the lottery. Without the lottery, these people would never have had the opportunity for wealth.

In the end, lotteries have shown to be an effective means for governments and non-profit organizations to collect revenues. For the general public, lotteries add excitement into their daily lives - while providing hope for instant fortune. In this light, lotteries are a positive tool to improve a nation's economy and level of happiness.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

Lotteries Should End - Pro

In many countries, governments have instituted state run lotteries that allow the opportunity for citizens to become wealthy on the premise that this is a sure win-win proposition for all involved. The reality of lotteries cannot be further from the truth. The lottery has proven to be a failure for all parties, the government, for non-profit organizations, and especially for the public. There are too many hidden problems with lotteries.

Governments have instituted the lottery on the overall assumption that it is good for society in general. When reviewing the evidence, it is clear this is not the case. Lotteries place the mental wellbeing of citizens at risk. Too many people play the lottery because of an addiction to the fantasy of overnight wealth. The government should not encourage this. The promotion of lotteries contributes to a society that values easy wealth over hard work. It is hypocritical for the government to criminalize gambling while endorsing lotteries.  The money the government receives from lottery proceeds could easily just have been collected through taxes. For the government, lotteries are unnecessary. In fact, through the lottery, the government is hurting its people far more than they are helping them.

For non-profit organizations, lotteries are an easy source of funding and revenue. This money, though, comes at a steep price. Consider that the goal of most non-profit organizations is to better the lives of those in society who are most susceptible to financial hardship. The fact that lotteries encourage those people to foolishly fritter their money away makes lotteries contradictory to the mission of non-profit organizations. If playing the lottery is akin to gambling, these organizations are contributing to the degradation of society. It is especially ironic for those non-profit organizations that help treat people for gambling and addiction problems.

Finally, the lottery is a hazard to the general public. Addiction to gambling is already a major problem in society. Lotteries only exacerbate this problem. The miniscule chance to win a fortune gives people false hope. Lured by this illusion, millions of people end up buying lottery tickets they cannot afford to buy. Some people must even be treated for their lottery addiction. What's worse, playing the lottery makes it more likely for people to begin trying other, more serious forms of gambling. For average people, playing the lottery is a quick and steep path to financial ruin.

For the government, the public, and non-profit organizations, it is easy to be lured by the idea of easy money. However, a hard look at the consequences of instituting lotteries shows this to be no more than an illusion. When evaluating the pros and cons of any idea, long-term harmful effects cannot be minimized. In the case of lotteries, any supposed benefits they may provide are far outweighed by the long-term problems they will create in society. Lotteries should end.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

The use of pesticides should be abolished - Con

Ever since the development of pesticides to combat insects and protect our agriculture, there has been a persistent cry among the general public for their abolishment. This criticism is not warranted. Pesticides have helped improve our lives and world in significant ways. For the government, farmers, and the general public, the use of pesticides has brought many clear benefits. The use of pesticides should not be abolished.

Pesticides have helped the government in fulfilling its duties. One duty of the government is to provide food to its people in a financially sustainable manner. In this respect, pesticides have helped to maintain a healthy supply of fruits and vegetables to the public. The use of pesticides also raises the overall prosperity of the country. Because pesticides lower the cost of fruits and vegetables, the public spends less money on agricultural products and have more money to spend on other parts of their lives. This boosts a nation's economy.

Pesticides have also brought obvious advantages for farmers. Farmers are able to harvest more, higher quality crops at a lower cost. This increases their efficiency and allows them to produce more fruits and vegetables in a shorter span of time. By doing so, they can reduce expenses and increase profit. Without pesticides, farmers would have no viable means of protecting their crops. In fact, it could be argued that modern agriculture could not exist without the use of pesticides.

Finally, the use of pesticides has improved the lives of the general public. Due to the use of pesticides, consumers are able to enjoy produce that is free from decay. Produce is also much cheaper for the consumer due to the high yields that pesticides allow. Also, thanks to pesticides, the public is able to enjoy a wider variety of fruits and vegetables. This is because farmers have the luxury to spend more time and risk to grow and raise more unique types of crops. When you consider all of the benefits that pesticides provide the public, it is folly to consider abolishing them.

While some critics of pesticides worry and fret about the potential harm that pesticides may cause, there are simply too many benefits they provide to abolish them. For the government, farmers, and the general public, the use of pesticides has brought a world of positive changes. The use of pesticides is a positive step that should not be abolished.

The use of pesticides should be abolished - Pro

Among the most significant changes in modern day agriculture has been the introduction and widespread usage of pesticides to protect crops from insects. There is much debate over the necessity and benefits of pesticides. This debate centers around the impact pesticides have on the government, to farmers, and to the public. While some believe that pesticides have had a positive effect overall, there are many strong reasons the use of pesticides should be abolished.

In terms of the government, the use of pesticides clearly has caused many serious problems. One of the chief responsibilities of governments is to protect the health of the public. Yet, there is a large amount of evidence that pesticides are harmful to human health. An increase in illnesses caused by pesticides would lead to a huge burden for the government which must pay a large portion of the public's medical expenses. There is also the issue of environmental pollution. Pesticides which make their way into land and water must be cleaned by the government as well.

For farmers, while pesticides have aided in increasing crop harvests, they have also adversely affected them negatively as well. While a bountiful harvest may seem desirable, it makes it much harder for farmers to survive financially.  Bumper crops mean that there is an oversupply in the market, which can cause excess competition among farmers. Competition forces farmers to lower prices on their crops, resulting in a loss of money. This especially hits small farmers the hardest because they cannot afford to take losses. In addition, pesticides affect the health of farmers most severely, as they are in direct contact with the harmful chemicals. Pesticides are harmful to farmers in terms of health and finances.

For the public, the main hazard pesticides present is the effects pesticides have on health. Long term consumption of pesticides, even in small amounts, has been shown to contribute to cancers and other serious diseases. However, the public should not only be wary of fruits and vegetables. Consider the water that runs off farm land. It is filled with pesticide residue which ultimately runs into lakes and oceans. This harms ocean life. Even near farms, livestock such as pigs and cows consume the pesticides directly. In short, pesticides can be found in everything people consume. Any substance that poses such a danger to the public should be banned.

Due to pesticides, fruits and vegetables grown by farmers have escaped the damage caused by insects, helping to produce agricultural products at a cheaper cost. In spite of these benefits, there are too many dangers of pesticides that cannot be ignored. For the government, farmers, and the public, the use of pesticides brings more problems than solutions. In weighing the pros and cons of pesticides, it is clear that their use should be abolished.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Greatest 20th Century Inventions 2

Lexile: 850L

In 1969, Neil Armstrong rode on a rocket to become the first person to step on the moon. This was not due to the invention of the rocket. It was thanks to computer-based technology. The latter half of the 20th century has produced more technologically brilliant inventions than in all of history combined. Here are just three of the revolutionary high-tech inventions from the past half century that have reshaped our world.

A list of great inventions must always start with the modern computer. Advances in computers take place at a breathtaking rate. The first computer, ENIAC, was built in 1946 and weighed 30 tons. Today, a pocket calculator is more powerful. Computers have become an essential part of our lives. They are the brains in all of our modern devices – automobiles, the airplane, even our microwave ovens. The world could not revolve today without the help of computers.

Computers have played a large role in creation of our second invention – the mobile phone. On mobile phones, we can communicate, play games, and even do our shopping. However, that is not why they are so revolutionary. Mobile phones give us the unprecedented ability to move and travel, yet still be connected to other people. Like the automobile, mobile phones have given us the freedom to go and be anywhere. We are no longer bound by where we are on the planet.

The last, great invention is not technically even a machine. It is the Internet. It has given us the ability to discover and interact with information, people, and ideas in ways never possible before. The Internet is truly a window to the world. While media of the past such as radio and television let us see and hear the world, the Internet allows us to reach out, grab, and change it.

These three inventions are amazing displays of technology. However, these inventions are the greatest in the 20th century because they improve our lives. They have opened the doors to our future. 


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay. 

Greatest 20th Century Inventions 1

When you imagine great inventions of the past 100 years or so, you probably think of the modern devices of today. LCD monitors. Laptop computers. Smartphones. In actuality, the greatest inventions happened much, much earlier in the 20th century. Here are some of the greatest inventions from the first half of the century which revolutionized the world we live in today.

The first and perhaps most awe-inspiring invention of the 20th century was the invention of the airplane by the Wright brothers in 1903. The airplane connected vast parts of the world in a way that was impossible before. Today, modern airplanes can carry hundreds of people around the world in under a day. The airplane was the first step to a connected world.

Another invention in the early 20th century brought modern transportation to everyday people - the automobile. The first mass produced automobile, the Model-T was built by Henry Ford in 1908. It was every person’s “airplane.” For the first time, people could travel great distances quickly. But it brought more than transportation. People finally had the freedom to travel and change their lives.

Last but not least, there was the invention that brought the world into the homes of all of our lives. While the airplane and automobile were able to move people, the invention of the television in the 1930s sparked the movement of ideas and cultures. People were able to view exotic scenes from all over the world. They could witness important events live. The television brought world’s cultures closer together.

We all marvel at the wonderful electronic gadgets of today. However, we should take a moment to appreciate the great early inventions of the 20th century. They have built the bedrock for our modern world.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay.

Wars should not be televised - Pro

Lexile: 740L

One fundamental right in a free, democratic country is that the people must be allowed to know what their government is doing. This right is the basis of “freedom of the press” and the public’s “right to know.” There are cases, though, when these rights are tested. In wartime, a country may try to limit or hide information. One way to do this is to ban the televising of the war. Does banning the televising of war violate the ideas of freedom of the press, and the public’s right to know? There is no simple answer.

First, let’s look at the freedom of the press. Freedom of the press means that journalists can report news without censorship. During a war, war correspondents televise events from the war to the public. This ensures the military is not doing anything unethical or immoral. Without this freedom, a free country could easily turn into a dictatorship.  On the other hand, there are many problems in televising wartime events. Sometimes, journalists are not impartial. They may televise only negative scenes from the war. In addition, televising wars may make wars seem like entertainment. This does not give honor to the soldiers.

Now, let’s consider the public’s right to know. The right to know is a basic right. In a free country, people need information to elect their officials and to protest unfair policies. Therefore, people should see the events in a war. If these events were not televised, it would easy for the government to hide the truth. However, even in a free country, the public must be protected. Sometimes, there is extreme violence. Violent incidents should not be televised. Also, the government has always had the right to block some types of information. In those cases, the government’s power can supersede the rights of the people. Many war events should be kept secret, and so wars should not be televised.

The decision to televise a war has many issues. However, the rights of the people must always be considered. It is a difficult decision with no clear-cut answer.


All content has been written by ESL Debate Topics and is copyrighted. Pleaase contact us if you would like permission to use this essay.